The Peanuts Movie
Starting, Friday, November 6th, The Peanuts Movie. Snoopy embarks upon his greatest mission as he and his team take to the skies to pursue their arch-nemesis, while his best pal Charlie Brown begins his own epic quest back home. Rated PG, showtimes 7pm each night, Saturday & Sunday 4 & 7.
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2
After being symbolized as the “Mockingjay”, Katniss Everdeen and District 13 engage in an all-out revolution against the autocratic Capitol. Rated PG-13.
Premiere at 9:00 PM Thursday, November 19th, then 7 PM each night, 4:00 PM & 7:00 PM weekends.
Through a generous grant from the East Central Regional Arts Council the Paradise Theatre will continue to bring the surrounding community a wide variety of free movies over the next year.
This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the East Central Regional Arts Council thanks to a legislative appropriation from the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.
The following movies are brought to you by ECRAC.
Ghost Busters
Starting at 12:30 PM, Monday November 16th, Ghost Busters. Three unemployed parapsychology professors set up shop as a unique ghost removal service. Rated PG.
Free Film Series committee
Anyone interested in being part of the Free Film Series committee, which is responsible for choosing all movies for each of the different series, is welcome! It’s fun to be part of this aspect of movies at the Paradise! Please leave a message for Eric Carlisle at the concession counter, or call the Paradise at 320-679-3964 with message if you are interested.
The series are:
Kids matinee’s – once a month during school year, every Wednesday matinee all summer
Independent/foreign films – once a month the 1st. Saturday of each month
Classic Monday Matinee’s – 1st & 3rd. Monday of each month at 12:30, movies for everyone
Annual children’s Holiday movies – Between Thanksgiving & Christmas each Saturday & Sunday matinee’s
Summer Outdoor Movies – once a month on Saturday’s during summer months